Beauty From Within//Hush & Hush Product Review / by Alexandra Pullen

Sponsored by Hush & Hush. I received product and compensation, but all opinions are my own.


Beauty comes from within…

It’s definitely true when it comes to personality, but what if I told you that what you put in your body is just as important as what you put on your skin? In terms of skincare, this is 100% the case. A holistic approach to skin health means that what you put on your skin is just as important as what you put in your body. Beauty truly does come from within, and the secret is science! Generally, skin concerns can be chalked up to an indication on the outside that there’s an imbalance on the inside. I’ve struggled with breakouts my whole life, and I wanted to share with you something that actually works for me!

I wanted to share with you guys my new secret beauty weapon. And no, it’s not skincare! Hush & Hush is my new favorite system. Simple to use, Hush & Hush is designed to be taken morning and night, similar to how you use your skincare products. Luscious hair and glowy skin isn’t just about what products you use, it’s also about getting exactly the right nutrients your body needs in order to be healthy.

Formulated by a plastic surgeon and clinically tested (which means that the products are tested, actually work, and are backed by science), all of their products are made WITHOUT fillers or any other nasties + Every ingredient has a specific function + made of the purest ingredients you can get. Hush & Hush combines beauty, science, and wellness to create a line of supplements designed to create the glow from within.

The products are designed to be taken left to right, morning to night.

The products are designed to be taken left to right, morning to night.


This protein mix is a delicious choclatey elixir that is a plant-based protein powder for optimal gut health and balanced skin. A healthy body starts with the gut. In fact, a lot of scientists refer to the gut as the “second brain.” A mix of prebiotics and probiotics seek to balance the gut, and in term balancing the whole microbiome. PlantYourDay also improves digestion, mental clarity and immunity. Rebalance from the inside to look better on the outside!

I use it by mixing it with my morning coffee, which also cures my chocolate cravings!

The Benefits:

  • Formulated with organic pumpkin and pea protein and prebiotics and probiotics

  • 110 calories, 17 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar, 2 grams of fat

  • pH balancing and alkalizing

  • A delicious chocolate flavor

  • Doubles as a meal replacement when fruit, milk or other ingredients are added

  • Vegan



 If there’s ever a time to up your glow game, it’s now.

I’ve been loving the TimeCapsule supplement because it’s a beauty and skin supplement with immunity boosting ingredients that really works because it gives your body everything it needs. The blend is designed to literally turn back the clock on aging as well as boost your overall health, which we all can benefit from right now. It replaces the need for a daily multivitamin, and I love that it is packed with ingredients that are amazing for your skin like marine collagen and hyaluronic acid. It’s formulated with tons of other amazing ingredients that are immune and energy boosting—in addition to all the amazing skin benefits.

The Benefits:

  • Immune boosting: zinc, vitamin C and ginseng! (so much yes for right now!)

  • Boost of energy from amino acids

  • Boosts collagen production 

  • Adds moisture to skin

  • Protects against environmental damage, pollution, sun exposure and blue light damage

  • Reduces redness and breakouts



Ever since I chopped of my long locks for a bob last May, I’ve been itching for my hair to grow longer. This is the only supplement I’ve found that actually works!

The Benefits:

  • In clinical studies, 91% of subjects reported improved overall hair growth

  • Key ingredients help block the root causes of hair thinning and hair loss

  • Encourages hair to grow thicker, longer, stronger and more voluminous

  • Maintains the overall health of the hair and scalp

  • Suitable for women and men

Once again, this product is CLINICALLY tested, which basically means that it is scientifically proven to work.



Quality sleep is one of the biggest factors for looking and feeling your best! The nighttime supplement is one of my favorites because it makes me feel so zen and helps me effortlessly ease into sleep. It has magnesium in it, which is amazing because most people are commonly deficient in magnesium. Magnesium has tons of benefits for poop regularity, sleep, and bloating. This supplement doesn’t have melatonin, which is nice, because sometimes melatonin can tend to give me weiiird dreams. Tryptophan, valerian root, holy basil leaf and magnesium, come together to calm the mind and body and set the stage for a peaceful, undisturbed night. It’s great too because there’s no groggy feeling in the morning!

The Benefits:

  • Relaxes the mind and body

  • Helps you fall asleep and stay asleep

  • Reduces mental clutter

  • Melatonin-free

All in all, having one system to rely on for all my beauty and supplement needs is so convenient and amazing! Don’t forget, if you’re interested in winning the whole set—check out the giveaway I’m hosting on my Instagram page HERE!