
The Scoop on Functional Mushrooms! by Alexandra Pullen

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ve likely seen me talk about mushrooms! No, not that kind ;) I’m talking, functional medicinal mushrooms + adaptogens. They are the ultimate superfoods, and some of nature’s most healing creations. Mushrooms and adaptogens are definitely a health buzzword at the moment, but don’t let that deter you from the magic of these potent healers. Mushrooms have been used in eastern cultures for thousands of years, so they are definitely not new — despite the fact that you may be seeing them pop up more and more in trendy LA spots. Healing herbs are a cornerstone of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic healing traditions.Each species of mushrooms has its own unique benefits naturally aiding wellness, sports performance and recovery. I take a lot of different mushrooms because they all bring something unique to the table! Functional mushrooms are adaptogens, which basically means that they help the body adapt to stress and exert a normalizing effect on bodily processes. Which, if you think about it — is pretty magical and amazing! They help the body resist stressors of all kinds: physical, chemical, or biological. Adaptogens help bring us back to our baseline. For me, mushrooms are an integral part of my daily rituals, and it’s seriously so easy to incorporate once you get started.

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Beauty From Within//Hush & Hush Product Review by Alexandra Pullen

Beauty comes from within…It’s definitely true when it comes to personality, but what if I told you that what you put in your body is just as important as what you put on your skin? In terms of skincare, this is 100% the case. A holistic approach to skin health means that what you put on your skin is just as important as what you put in your body. Beauty truly does come from within, and the secret is science! Generally, skin concerns can be chalked up to an indication on the outside that there’s an imbalance on the inside. I’ve struggled with breakouts my whole life, and I wanted to share with you something that actually works for me!

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Drinking Your Vitamins + 2 Yummy Recipes! by Alexandra Pullen

Meeting your daily-recommended value for so many different nutrients can be a challenge, but finding products that help make it super convenient to hit all of my marks in one fell swoop makes my life so much easier! We need to meet the daily-recommended value for nutrients in order to have complete energy, digestive, and immune health support! Also includes a PB&J Green Smoothie Recipe + a high protein/low sugar Superfood Cold Brew recipe!

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Loving Lately: The Now Massage by Alexandra Pullen

Anyone else have the tendency to run themselves into the ground with work? I share balance and self-care routines on my Instagram here as much as possible, but the truth is that i really need to S L O W it down sometimes myself...I work so hard until I literally can’t move and make myself sick, and it’s happened way too many times! I’m either on the move traveling, driving my car all over the city when I’m in LA, and working non stop while trying to keep a semblance of a social life. I’m so beyond grateful for all of the opportunities coming my way, but it’s important to take care of yourself too! Integrating regular self-care rituals such as bubble baths and The Now Massage helps keep me in check. Also this crystal mirror is fire—couldn’t NOT selfie here.

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5 Yoga Stretches To Alleviate A Stiff Bod by Alexandra Pullen

Need some stretches to get through a long day of work? Try these at home or at your desk! Swipe to see my favorite stretches that target the common areas of tension cause by sitting for too long (shoulders, hips, chest). Read more below to see the benefits of each posture! These are also great to do on a long flight!

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Expo West Recap/A Lesson In Reading Ingredient Labels by Alexandra Pullen

All I can do to really describe expo west is say that it was pure insanity. Being lost in a massive convention center is a version of my own person hell, but that was assuaged by the fact that I was surrounded by natural products. There were tons of brands that I absolutely ADORED! There were definitely some standouts.

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Why I Don't Count Calories by Alexandra Pullen

I don’t count calories. This is mainly because I’m lazy, but it’s also because I don’t see the point. Your body doesn’t understand an arbitrary numerical value that you select as an acceptable amount to feed your body, nor is there a magic number that is going to make your body say, “I don’t need these five extra pounds.” There was a period of time in which I was really strict and aware of how many calories I was putting in my body, but I was also CRAZY during that time. Since then, I've also become a lot more in tune with my body. Once you can learn how to eat intuitively, you will be able to gauge exactly how much you need and when you have truly had enough. This is the same reason why I don't weigh myself. I want to go off how I feel, not by a number. It's a very evolved way of thinking and being in a calorie/media-obsessed culture that we live in, but I promise that you will be so much happier without the scales and numbers!

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