Loving Lately: The Now Massage / by Alexandra Pullen


Anyone else have the tendency to run themselves into the ground with work? I share balance and self-care routines on my Instagram here as much as possible, but the truth is that i really need to S L O W it down sometimes myself...I work so hard until I literally can’t move and make myself sick, and it’s happened way too many times! I’m either on the move traveling, driving my car all over the city when I’m in LA, and/or working non stop while trying to keep a semblance of a social life. I’m so beyond grateful for all of the opportunities coming my way, but it’s important to take care of yourself too! Integrating regular self-care rituals such as bubble baths and The Now Massage helps keep me in check. Also this crystal mirror is fire—couldn’t NOT selfie here ;).

Massage used to not be a luxury for me. When I was dancing full-time in a ballet company, weekly or sometimes bi-weekly deep tissue massages were a necessity for upkeep. My muscles would get so sore and knotted from rehearsing and performing 8+ hours a day that I needed massage as injury prevention. Sounds nice, but these were NOT fun. My massage therapists have all been wonderful, but deep tissue massage is NO. JOKE. Basically you get the crap beaten out of your tightest muscles for an hour to an hour and a half. Sometimes I still need these if I’m rehearsing or taking a lot of classes, but now if I can I opt for Swedish inspired, relaxation-aimed massages…I take it!

Cue, The Now Massage. The first reason why I adore this place is because when I’m here and someone calls me and asks where I am, I can answer, “I’m in the now. Where are you?” Jokes aside, this place is amazing and heeeere’s why I’m Loving It Lately…


The benefits of massage: Rejuvenating, relieves stress. reduces anxiety, increases well being, stimulates lymphatic and circulatory systems, improves range of motion, reduces recovery time, calming, reduces emotional stress, soothes tight knots and muscles, can reduce cellulite, good for digestive problems, and much more.

The Now is such an organized and well-oiled machine. They have four locations across LA (I frequent the Silver Lake one). The ambience is super Pinterest-worthy and serene. In fact, The Now Massage was totally my inspo when decorating my home! It’s really minimalistic, open, earthy, and features plants, crystals, fuzzy sheepskin, and beautiful books. The massages actually take place in a giant room with curtains dividing clients. There is a background track of ocean waves which is really soothing and loud enough to drown out thoughts or other clients. Each pod feels super private.


They have a comprehensive and unique menu, which offers enhancements at an additional cost. My favorite add-ons are deep tissue, CBD balm, scalp renewal, and the guaasha (the newest enhancement option!). The basic massage is actually quite affordable. The CBD balm is this yummy peppermint CBD blend which uses non-psychoactive CBD to calm muscles. I love the cooling peppermint too! Deep Tissue is just extra pressure (and extra intense). The scalp renewal is a delicious scalp massage with coconut oil (who doesn’t love a good scalp massage?!), and the guaasha is a new technique that I just tried today! They used a rose quartz version (pictured above). I use a guasha at home every morning on my face after I apply face oil in order to promote lymphatic drainage, which will detox the body and prevent breakouts. Benefits of using a guasha include: lifts and firms skin, reduces inflammation, improves circulation, releases stagnant energy, and promotes lymphatic drainage. All you have to do is stroke your face at your jaw, cheekbones, sinuses, and forehead in sweeping upward motions with light pressure. I didn’t know until today that you could actually use a guasha on your body! It was nice in the massage because you can use the edges to get super deep into a muscle, especially on your back. The cool temperature was refreshing, especially because getting deep into muscles can release some heat in the body!


I always feel so zen and refreshed when I walk out of this place! The staff are always super kind as well, which is always appreciated. I recommend coming early so you can absorb all of the good vibes and get yourself into self-care-mode so you’re ready to luxuriate in your session. The decor and ambience is so amazing, you’ll never want to leave!


Locations: Silverlake, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, Studio City


$45 | 25 MIN

$75 | 50MIN

$105 | 80 MIN

+10 for enhancements


What are your musts for self-care and keeping yourself healthy mind+body+spirit? Where can you find more balance in your life?