
Elevated Coffee + Magical Mushrooms (No, Not That Kind) by Alexandra Pullen

Every morning, I wake up #TiredAF and also somehow #StressedAF. What’s the solution? Elevated coffee of course. The caffeine in my coffee helps me wake up (and let’s face it, coffee is the #1 reason why I get out of bed in the first place. I loveee coffee). The adaptogens I’ve been adding help soothe my nervous system and build my immune system at the same time!

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Superfood Mocha Recipe by Alexandra Pullen

Anyone that knows me knows that there’s nothing I love more in this world than coffee (ok, maybe a few things…but you get me). I also LOVE chocolate, and I love spiking my normal foods and bevvies with superfoods to level up the nutrition…which is why I make my Superfood Mochas every morning! I use BareOrganics Energizing Probiotic Superfood Coffee as a base, which elevates it to the next level. Each individual biodegradable cup is infused with with revitalizing maca, guarana, cordyceps mushrooms, and schisandra.  Probiotics boost the impact of these handpicked nutrients by supporting digestion with every sip! 

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