Elevated Coffee + Magical Mushrooms (No, Not That Kind) / by Alexandra Pullen

Sponsored by Ryze Superfoods I received product and compensation, but all opinions are my own.

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Anyone else wake up in the pursuit of coffee?! Every morning, I wake up #TiredAF and also somehow #StressedAF. What’s the solution? Elevated coffee, of course. The caffeine in my coffee helps me wake up (and let’s face it, coffee is the #1 reason why I get out of bed in the first place. I loveee coffee). The mushrooms and adaptogens I’ve been adding to my morning elixir help soothe my nervous system, give me clear focus, and build my immune system at the same time! Functional mushrooms and adaptogens have sooo many health benefits and are not to be overlooked for full vitality! Don’t fret—medicinal mushrooms are totally legal and have been shown to strengthen the immune system, increase energy, and lower stress (and they’re not like the magical mushrooms you might be thinking of). They’re called adaptogens because they “adapt” to whatever your body needs to reach its homeostasis. They’ve been used for centuries in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine (and they know what’s up).

Ryze Superfoods makes a blend I love because it’s a convenient mix of some of my favorite superfoods all in one pouch. You can either mix it in hot water, or if you’re really hardcore like me—you can add it to brewed coffee ;) I love it because it dissolves really nicely in hot or cold beverages, so you can even add it to an iced latte on the go from your favorite coffee shop (as I’m showing in the pic above).

Let’s break down the ingredients + benefits:

Lion’s Mane: Supports memory, Supports memory & focus, mood boosting, anti-inflammatory

Cordyceps: Supports physical performance, anti-aging, inhibits tumor growth 

Reishi: Supports liver, immune system boosting, strengthens endocrine system 

Shiitake: Supports weight maintenance, boosts immune system, vitamin rich. 

Turkey Tail: Immune building, antimicrobial, supports weight maintenance. 

King Trumpet: fights free radicals, anti-inflammatory, boosts immunity.

MCT Oil:  aka Medium Chain Tryglycerides. As a natural metabolic fat burner, MCT oil is easily absorbed and a quick way to increase the ketone fats that help boost energy and achieve ketosis. It’s also naturally anti-microbial. Helps you workout longer and better!

Coffee: duh. Nuff said.

Adaptogens combat stress by engaging the HPA axis and the sympathoadrenal system. When we’re chronically stressed, cortisol builds up in our system throwing it off balance. Humans in our culture are consistently working with an excess of cortisol in the bloodstream—which causes inflammation in the body, which leads to disease.

Working on a molecular level, adaptogens encourage the release of stress-sensor proteins which lowers the hormone and increases alertness. Instead of plummeting into the exhaustion phase, the body stays in the resistance phase where it is calm but focused. By creating a more stable environment, adaptogens act as a protectant for our other operating systems so we’re less likely to succumb to colds or gastro-issues when going about our stressful af lives. This also helps curb any feelings you might experience of a caffeine “crash".

To be considered an adaptogen, a plant or fungi must:

1) Reduce harm caused by stress 

2) Have a positive excitatory impact 

3) Cause no side-effects or “crash”

4) Be non-toxic in normal doses

If the concept of putting mushrooms in your coffee sounds weird af, don’t worry. A blend like this is perfect to dip your toes in to the world of superfood adaptogens + medicinal mushrooms. People all over the world have been using them for centuries and they are proven to strengthen + boost our immune systems, promote sleep, banish stress and anxiety, give us mental clarity, increase neurological function, give us energy, recalibrate anything out of whack, and so much more—nature is so potent and powerful. Absolute plant magikkk at its finest!

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Use my code “HEALTHYBALLERINA10” for 10% off Ryze Superfoods!

Have you tried medicinal mushrooms before? Would love to hear your thoughts + fave ways to consume these magical adaptogens!