morning ritual

Superfood Mocha Recipe by Alexandra Pullen

Anyone that knows me knows that there’s nothing I love more in this world than coffee (ok, maybe a few things…but you get me). I also LOVE chocolate, and I love spiking my normal foods and bevvies with superfoods to level up the nutrition…which is why I make my Superfood Mochas every morning! I use BareOrganics Energizing Probiotic Superfood Coffee as a base, which elevates it to the next level. Each individual biodegradable cup is infused with with revitalizing maca, guarana, cordyceps mushrooms, and schisandra.  Probiotics boost the impact of these handpicked nutrients by supporting digestion with every sip! 

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My Morning Ritual by Alexandra Pullen

My schedule is different every day, but I always make sure I start it with a relaxing morning. Even if I have to get up early for work, a workout, or an event—I’ll get up extra early just to have a leisurely morning. My morning sets the tone for my whole day, so I always make an effort to make it count. If I start the morning stressed out, rushing, and running late, I’ll be on edge for a better part of the morning and it’ll even trickle in to the rest of my day. For me, this practice just serves as a moment of stillness before the craziness of the day ensues.

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