Why I'm Coming Out Of Retirement+Ballerina Approved Denim / by Alexandra Pullen

Sponsored by Athleta. I received product and compensation, but all opinions are my own.


I haven’t talked about it a ton on here or my Instagram, but after a two year hiatus from dancing professionally (or even dancing at all really for that matter), I started training again about a month ago! It’s been a steady climb to get my technique back, but the body is truly amazing and muscle memory is a real thing! The main thing I’ve been working on is regaining my confidence and strength so that I can re-enter the professional dance world with gusto. I’ve decided that I’m not done with ballet, I just needed a long overdue mental, emotional, and physical break in order to heal!

Since I’ve officially introduced ballet back into my daily life, I haven’t been able to stop dancing. I dance literally any and everywhere these days, and I found these jeans at just the right time. I feel so inspired to move, that I simply can’t stop. I really didn’t know how it would be mentally, physically, a and emotionally to be back, but so far it’s been like a sweet embrace of an old friend. It’s feels so satisfying and familiar to push my mind and body to the limits with ballet. Not only that, but to be able to share that with others truly fuels me. To take class with people that share the same interests as me and share similar experiences and to build a community there again feels so familiar and fulfilling. I’m nervous and excited to see how my dance career will resume and take form, but right now I am just focusing on re-igniting the initial spark and love I felt for dance—which can so often get lost in the rigor of the professional ballet world.


I feel inspired to move which truly brings me such a unique joy. With all the driving I do around LA, I love being able to hop out of my car and do a couple grand battements or forward folds to loosen my body back up. Since I’m always either in dance clothes or yoga clothes, I like to wear jeans when I can as well during the in-between—so these jeans allow me to have the best of both worlds!

The new Athleta Sculptek Denim allows me to do that with ease due to their unique 360 degree stretch capabilities. I can stay active all day long, even outside of the studio! We all have different ways of self-empowerment, and one for me is definitely freedom of movement. When I can move, I feel powerful, light, and boundless. That’s my #PowerOfShe.
